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ABOUT The Starter Girl

A New Year and a new me. Just call me " The Starter Girl ". Hello my name is Andrea. I have just started on a new journey in my life. I am a starting a new life as a single mother of 4, new career as a makeup artist by starting classes at QC Makeup Academy. This blog is to document my journey Along the way. 

I have always been a tom boy and not much of a girly girly. But Since my daughter Khloe was born things have changed in my life she 5, but she acts 16. so its time to become a Girly Girl. I may be 35 but its never to late to start a new path and become the woman you want. So Come along on this journey with me as i start my career and discover all things girl. I will post photos, tutorials, Hauls and reviews. Im learning so if i can do it so can you... thats why i am The Starter Girl!

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